Our Ghee is organic, healthy, and tasty. It’s not because of us!
Let’s talk about real claimant “Murrah” the boon of Indian Dairy farming. We have a big herd of Murrahs freely grazing in our farms of Devbhoomi grown with Super Napier Organic Grass using a single fertilizer called “Jeevamrutham”. As a result, our Murrahs give the best buffalo milk ever.
The milk is heated on a wood fire, curdled, hand-churned, and the extracted butter is slowly heated by adding herbs to prepare this Organic Ghee!!
So what do you say?
Who is behind this ghee?
Murrah or Proud Farmer?
Well, both of us worked hard to give you the best buffalo ghee ever! Just add a spoonful of ghee and enjoy the difference in taste.
- Rich in nutrients
- Boosts immunity
- Fights bad cholesterol
- Improves skin glow
- Ideal for deep frying also
How do we make it?
1. Step (Sanskar)-1: Milking and Boiling
Grass-fed Buffalo milk is always better than grain feed milk. In the traditional process, 25-30 litre cow milk is essential for making around 1 litre of ghee. In Ayurveda, grass-fed cow’s milk is counted as the best material for making the purest form of ghee.
The milk is thoroughly boiled. This long boiling process helps in two ways. The milk collected from the buffaloes gets completely disinfected. On the other hand, by using the boiling process, the texture of the milk gets more concentrated.
2. Step (sanskar)–2: Curdling
In this process, boiled milk is converted into curd. In the traditional process, one tablespoon curd is added into the milk. The milk stays overnight in a covered pot and gets converted to curd. Once the curd is fully prepared, it is churned thoroughly
3. Step (sanskar)–3: Churning
The curd is churned now by a wooden churner, which is called Bilona. Traditionally, card churning is done in two way direction of bilona, one is clockwise and the other is anticlockwise. Churning is mostly a lengthy method. Once the curd gets divided into butter and buttermilk, the raw ingredients of ghee, the milk butter gets prepared.
4. Step (sanskar) – 4- Separating
At the end of the churning in the ghee manufacturing process, butter and the buttermilk gets seperated. This butter is then used to produce ghee.
The butter is also called ghee butter. It is still not free from the milky part, which means this ghee butter may contain lactose By heating-process of cooking ghee is produced
5. Step (sanskar) – 5- Heating
In this process, the produced butter is now placed in a heavy-bottom steel pot and it gets heated against a medium-high flame. Once the ghee butter starts boiling, it is allowed to boil for some more time so that the water in ghee butter gets evaporated.
In the course of the boiling process, the boiling butter gets clarified, and a visible layer of solids is found at the bottom of the pot that indicates that the ghee is almost ready. At this phase you will get to smell the nutty aroma of pure ghee and the butter will turn yellow-golden.
In the final step, the golden liquid ghee is filtered via a strainer and stored in jars for later use. It is extremely vital to store the pure Ghee in a dry jar away from the exposure of light, heat, and moisture.
We don’t display nutrition tables.
Let’s be honest, most of us don’t understand these table terms rather than a fat percentage. Trust on a thousand years of knowledge, go by your grand mom’s word.
Ghee is good for your body and mind with high contents of potassium and magnesium which helps you understand and remember these tables at least in the future.
Hola! The nutrition chart is clearly given on the website. Please check to know the healthy nutrition values of our product.